Monday, February 21, 2011

Cut of the Week 02.21.11 - President's Day

Today is President's Day and with the U.S. celebrating one of its most venerated historical figures (George Washington), I decided to take things in a different direction. I though to myself, is there a song about one of the most villified Presidents in our history? The answer is an emphatic, "Yes!"

In keeping with a presidential theme, here is the 1973 funk classic, "Impeach The President" by The Honey Drippers which is obviously a reference to Richard Nixon's fleeting days in office before resigning as a result of one the biggest political scandals of all time. If you think you've heard the snare, kick and hi-hat of the initial drum break before, there's a good reason for that. The first 20-25 seconds is the basis of one the most frequently used samples in popular music, predominantly featured in countless hip hop songs from Audio Two's "Top Billin" to Biggie's "Unbelievable"(In fact, lists 152 different songs that have sampled "Impeach The President".)

Take a listen and enjoy your day off.

The Honey Drippers - "Impeach The President"

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