Friday, December 31, 2010

Goodbye 2010!

Another year is about to be put into the books. I suppose this is as good a time as any to thank any and all of you who have stopped in here at Music Hound throughout the year to check out the podcasts and random tracks of new, old, and/or different music. Please continue to drop in from time to time to see what I've come across lately and don't forget to COMMENT, COMMENT, COMMENT. Otherwise, I have no idea if people are enjoying the episodes and other assorted odds and ends or if I'm simply screaming into the wind.

In order to send off 2010 in style, here is My Jerusalem's fittingly titled, "Farewell," the last track off of their debut album released this fall called, Gone For Good. This indie rock supergroup of sorts is perhaps under most people's radar, but they craft orchestral pop ditties that are heartbreakingly beautiful. So, go and check them out.

Goodbye to you, 2010, you've been fun. Hello 2011.

Have a Happy and Safe New Year, everyone!

My Jerusalem - "Farewell"

1 comment:

  1. You're not screaming into the wind. We love Music Hound! Looking forward to another year filled with great music.


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